

October 2020


The Big Three are coming out of their Council meeting in Capricorn. Jupiter and Saturn went direct in September. They move slowly because they are so far out, but they began moving before Pluto, which will go direct on October 4th. While Pluto will stay in Capricorn another couple of years to finish bringing the festering secrets out into the Light of Day, Jupiter and Saturn WILL be in Aquarius for the Winter Solstice, moving our focus from government, banking, and business to visionary reforms and humanitarianism.

Yes, you can count on it. Happy Holidays! 2021 will be an entirely different flavor!

So here's the deal: everything has been changing. Drastically. You cannot go back to what was. You must decide what your future will look like and then YOU must create that. No one else can do this for you. Everyone must get busy creating their own future.

So what do you want your future to be? You may have to look at what you don't want to figure out what you do want, but the faster you get to the DO WANTS the sooner you can have them. The best time to manifest changes is in the middle of chaos. When things are stuck, stagnant, and static, nothing can change. When things are all up in the air, everything can change.

Take advantage of this RIGHT NOW. October has begun. You have less than 100 days to 2021.


Martian Approach

On October 6th Mars will be more luminous than Sirius, the brightest start in our night sky. By the time Earth and Mars get to their closest points, the only things in our entire Solar System that will be brighter than Mars will be the Sun, Moon and Venus! At its closest point, Mars will be just under 39 million miles away from Earth in its orbit. This is not the closest approach there has ever been. Back in 2003 Mars made its closest approach in 60,000 years coming about 34 millions miles out, but who was counting back then?!

Mars rises in the eastern night sky in the sign of Aries, between 9 and 10PM. You will know it when you see it as it will be undeniably red. You can see it with the naked eye, but binoculars or a telescope will give you a much clearer and larger view.


Martian Influence

You are more aware of rage all around you nowadays. You see it in the news, on the freeway, and in your own short temper. You want to just smack folks who are in your face. In fact, you relish the thought of that, even if you would never do it. And you are not the only one feeling this. There are those who not only feel it, they feed it, arm themselves for it, and anxiously await any opportunity to interact with anyone who crosses them.

You must stay aware of your thoughts. When you have a blast of rage rush through your system, take a few deep breaths before you DO anything. Consider the consequences of your actions. Killing someone in your mind or assaulting them with your words is just as violent an act as actual murder. This is not the frequency at which you wish to be.

The instant you recognize the symptoms of Martian influence, physically take a step back and then three steps in another direction. This gives you a bit of time to cool off. Channel frustration into motivation to do something that will have a beneficial outcome, and preferably something that aligns with your passion rather than enflaming it. Go clean out the garage, dance in the kitchen, or wash your car. Sing, sweep, or rearrange the furniture.

Declare a peace with yourself by exercising your self-respect, personal consideration, and tending to your own needs. That may include giving yourself time away from others to restore your sanity and recharge your batteries. When you're tired or hungry give yourself permission to rest or to eat. Quit pushing and shoving yourself. You don't need to be the bully in your life. Instead, be the calm center in your world, in control with awareness and compassion. THIS is the point of power.

Every time you can treat yourself with kindness, you create a landing pad for others to treat themselves with kindness. If you can do it, they can do it. Next thing you know, you will find yourself treating others with kindness. And so will they. By the New Year, this will be a major trend. But it starts with YOU.

Things are going to get really, really bad before they get better. Just like it gets really, really dark before the dawn.

Anything - ANY THING - you can do to send out human kindness starts the remission of the madness, the rage, the wild fires, the plague, the divisiveness, the mess that is 2020. Get creative, my friends and followers, and find ways to lend a hand, encourage, or lift up your fellow man.

As Thumper's daddy said, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."


Make a Difference Day

Make A Difference Day is an opportunity to participate in community service and enjoy the act of volunteering. Every year, millions of people across the United States volunteer and perform projects for their community, for individuals in need and for charitable organizations. Celebrated on the fourth weekend of October, Make a Difference Day will be on Saturday, October 24.

This holiday was founded in 1992 when USA Weekend – the second largest national newspaper at that time – suggested to its readers that since 1992 was a leap year people should take the extra day and use it to do something good for their communities or for those in need. The idea caught on like wildfire and has been celebrated ever since.

To observe this day, simply look around your world for someone who needs a bit of back up. Whether you help someone paint a room, mow a yard, or clean up a park, you will make a difference in more ways than you can count.

Sometimes friends or colleagues volunteer together to raise funds for someone in need. This can be done by having a bake sale, a Go Fund Me campaign, or even organizing a Fun Run.

Make A Difference Day is a great way for you to give something back to the communities you live and/or work in. This is not only a great way to give back, but is also an opportunity feel a part of the collective whole. After so many months in quarantine, plan to make a difference as you set a goal to help others and Make a Difference!


October 2020 Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

The last Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio occurred in October of 2014. It was not a pretty time for anyone. ISIS attacks in Syria prompted 130,000 people to flee their homes. Security in over 83,000,000 accounts was compromised by a cyber attack on JP Morgan Chase and nine other financial institutions. This year, Mercury's retrograde into Scorpio leads us into the US elections in November.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. As noted in the lead article, Pluto is the god of the Underworld, Death, Rebirth, Sex, Power, Secrets, Hidden Wealth. Scorpio's water energy is deep and fixed. The veil is thin between the living and the dead; this dimension and the next. We are already in the wobble of Mercury's Pre-Shadow, which began in Libra on September 23rd.

Mercury goes Retrograde in Scorpio (11º 40") on October 13th. This is the same day early voting starts in my home state of Texas. My ballot came in the mail today.

Since Mercury is in charge of the transfer of information and electricity, it affects technology. While I had planned to vote by mail, I am going to take my mail-in ballot with me to the polls and vote IN PERSON there to be sure my vote is counted by election day. There is an undermining of the peace of mind in this nation about our voting. I will vote early, but I will see my vote cast.

Mercury stations direct in Libra on November 3rd, Election Day. It will wobble for another two weeks. We will undoubtedly see all sorts of hijinx and rigamarole with the counting of the votes.

While no one can tell you the outcome of this election, you can take control of your own vote and see to it that you know your choices have been counted. The wobble of the Post-Shadow ends in Scorpio on November 19. And then we can turn our attention towards Thanksgiving…


2020 Feng Shui Five Elements Workshops:
The Dance of the Celestial Animals


Waltzing with the White Tiger will be presented on Sunday afternoon, October 11th, 1:30-3PM Central, with a focus on the energy of Cardinal Metal, which facilitates the tough jobs we achieve at this time of year. The energy of the time shifts from reaching and climbing higher than ever before with the backing of our team and our tribe to the spiraling energy of focus, whether that moves us into a laser-sharp clarity or out into a broader pool of possibilities.

My Time Flow Keys Theory, which is included and explained in my Feng Shui & Moon Magic Planning Calendar, reveals that the time flow for October dances into the Cardinal quality of Metal and then holds in its strength, maintaining its Fixed quality as we prepare to face what comes with darkening days.

We will look to strengthen both Metal and Earth, which generates Metal, and Fire, which generates Earth. We will look to feed the inspiration of White Tiger's Heaven energy that manifests in the Children & Creativity gua as well as the Benefactor & Travel gua, not only of your home, but in every room in your home. Are you ready to start something fresh and new that aligns with your passions? Are you ready to travel again? The time to prepare for what is coming is NOW.

Join me live online via Zoom from wherever you are, Sunday, October 11th, from 1:30-3PM and join us for Waltzing with the White Tiger. Tuition: $30. Register today at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops

Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop Waltzing with the White Tiger on October 11th and the Practical Magic Workshop on Making Magical Alebrijes of October 25th and save 10%. More details follow…


The Practical Magic Workshop: Making Magical Alebrijes will move us through the thinning veil between the dimensions and set our astral vision free. We will use Sculpey polymer clay to mold creatures that have powers beyond the Animal Kingdom and into those that set them free from gravity or physicality on the Other Side.

You don't have to be concerned at all about whether or not your dog looks like a dog. Give it wings and eagle's feet if you like. Create an eagle that has a rabbit's ears and a kangaroo's pocket. There are NO limits in Making Magical Alebrijes. Sculpey comes in white which can be painted and in colors. Order whichever you prefer!

Join me Sunday, October 25th, 1:30-3PM Central via Zoom for the Practical Magic Workshop Making Magical Alebrijes and join me as we leap into the world of YOUR IMAGINATION.


Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Register today for either or both at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops or just the Practical Magic workshop at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.

Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience.


Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2021 Planning Calendar

My Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2021 Planning Calendars are ready to head to your place! There are ONLY 75 COPIES left however, so place your order at bit.ly/TKBooksCalendars

2021 is an Ox year, so you can expect things to be a lot more stable - thank goodness! Support yourself with the information provided by this calendar and know how every day is influenced by the energy of the time. Know how your life is influenced by the planets and their rascally retrograde motions. Know the phases of the Moon so you can plan your activities to be supported, as well as the zodiac unfolding, the eclipses, and meteor showers.

The 2021 Planning Calendars are spiral bound and still the same price: $25. You're going to want to get these unique gifts for the magical person in your life, and for yourself too! Only available at bit.ly/TKBooksCalendars

Only 85 Days till Christmas. Order Yours TODAY!

ANNOUNCING MORE Feng Shui & Moon Magic!


Feng Shui & Moon Magic Handbook

A HOW TO for Blending Natural Earth and Lunar Energies to Promote Success and Well-Being in All Areas of Your Life

In 2019, to celebrate the ten years since the original publication of Feng Shui & Moon Magic, I created a dozen brand new Feng Shui workshops and a dozen Practical Magic Workshops for each of the Druid Tree Moons, blending each month’s energies and exploring how they could enhance the support and comfort of Feng Shui while sparkling the Moon’s celestial magic.

The Feng Shui & Moon Magic Handbook delivers an entire year of studying Feng Shui and Moon Magic with me so you can have adventures all on your own! If you’d rather do this with me, all the workshops were audio recorded and those are available too! All the materials from the workshops presented at live at the Tomorrow's Key studios in the Heights. There are audio recordings available that go with each chapter to further expand your understanding and learning.

Please order this and all my books directly from me from now on so I can know who my customers are and what your preferences are. This helps me know what else you'd like to know about as I write it!

I am happy to dedicate books for you at no charge. You will see how to request a dedication when you place your order.

The Feng Shui & Moon Magic Handbook includes new activities, exercises, spells, and witchy crafting activities, for each lunation:

  • Birch Moon of Beginnings & Possibilities
  • Rowan Moon of Vision & Astral Travel
  • Ash Moon of Romance & Storms
  • Alder Moon of Personal Empowerment
  • Willow Moon of Passion & Romance
  • Hawthorn Moon of Disenchantment & Gates
  • Oak Moon of Security & Protection
  • Holly Moon of Turning Life Around
  • Hazel Moon of Wisdom & Growing
  • Vine Moon of Personal Power
  • Reed Moon of Health, Home & Hearth
  • Elder Moon of Completion & Rebirth

Full Color throughout 216 pages. $36 plus shipping. All books are mailed U.S Priority Mail.

Order your copy at bit.ly/TKBooksCalendars and I'll send you a surprise Bonus Goodie to thank you! If you live overseas, however, because of the high cost of shipping, just order from your local Amazon.com. Go to bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks I won't know you've ordered, though, so if you'll email me and let me know ([email protected]) I'll send you a surprise Bonus Goodie too!


YES YOU CAN Learn to Live the Life of Your Dreams!

When you look in the mirror and don't even recognize the person looking back at you, you begin to yearn to reconnect to the you you know is in there…somewhere.

When you spend your days — and nights — worrying endlessly about everything and can't sleep and are exhausted and played out and overwhelmed, you yearn for peace that you know is out there…somewhere.

When your monkey mind will not shut up about all the things that make you crazy, mad, or depressed, you begin to yearn for the peace of mind you know is out there…somewhere.

I have walked this path. I have looked in that mirror. I have worried till my brain bled! And I have had a circus full of monkeys in my mind. And I found the path to somewhere and to sanity.

I created this workshop as part of my doctoral dissertation. Those who have taken it experience a joyous transformation in their lives. Testimonials include stories like this, from Carolyn O'Brien: "This is possibly the BEST TIME I could go through this class. This quarantine has had lots of ups and downs.... but coupled with the strength of growth from becoming a conscious creator.... just wow. I'm strong enough and have the tools to face not only my own demons, but those around me. I KNOW brighter better bigger days are here and ahead."

The next session of The Art of Living Your Life will begin as the year ends. We meet online via Zoom, Thursdays, 7:30-9PM. You can order the book from me and have it all already printed or you can print out each week's materials from PDF. The curriculum is richly colorful so you will enjoy just reading through the pages. The work is real, the journey is tough, but I walk with you every step of the way. This workshop lasts about six months, so by Summer, everything will have transformed for you. When you take 100% responsibility for your choices, your success is GUARANTEED!

For more information or to register, please visit bit.ly/TKArtOfLiving


Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Baguas On Bookshelves

Vertical spaces are aligned to the Bagua Energy Map with the bottom center area as the Career & Life Path gua. Thus the top shelves, left to right, are Wealth, Fame, and Marriage. When these are empty, they are “beyond your reach.”

To overlay the Bagua on a wall, simply stretch it left to right, and top to bottom. The rectangle still holds the nine areas, just stretched out a little. Top left is Wealth & Fortunate Blessings, bottom right is Benefactors & Travel. You can align the Bagua with each unit individually or the entire wall as one group unit, because of the holographic nature of the way energy overlays spaces.

Then there are books laying down, their energy transforms from “ready to read” to “in a pile.” To read a book standing on a shelf requires its removal from the group, and maybe a push to keep the others standing. To read a book in the middle of a pile requires the removal of things laying on top of that book, and their ensuing replacement.

The thing about bookshelves is that we fill them up and then forget about them. They are a pain in the butt to dust, but collect dust fiercely. The higher out of your reach is the shelving, the less likely you are to interact with the items stored on that shelf. The thing about the Bagua Energy Map is that EVERY gua must be interacted with every day, just like you want blood to flow to both your feet and both your hands and every limb on your body, regardless of what that blood did yesterday. This is an EVERY day thing for every room in your house. You can use dusting to insure that you interact weekly. When you don’t, look at which guas you are NOT activating.

Likewise, when your bookshelves are jammed with books, there is no chi flow either. There needs to be some books and some three dimensional objects on each shelf. If you have more books than will allow that, then you need another bookcase. If you have no room for another bookcase, then you must get serious about letting some books go. If you haven’t opened it in five years, it might be time to pass it on. Sell them at Half Price Books or donate them to Goodwill. Give specific books to specific people you know would enjoy them. Let the others teach someone else new stuff. The best part about making room in your bookshelves is that you have room for new books! Wheeee! Time for a trip to the bookstore!

The EASY solution for this bookcase is to rearrange what they already have. Get a library ladder (you know you’ve always wanted one anyway) and intentionally stage which books you want in each gua. Put books about what you DO want in each area, not books about what you DON’T want. Then add three dimensional objects to support each Celestial Animal or the specific gua you’re staging.

You will feel the harmony when you get it right. Just like you sense it in this image.

Bookshelf Backdrops ADDENDUM

There was an interview done by John Yang on PBS News Hour yesterday (9/28/2020) in which two people were interviewed. Not knowing what the interview was about, not knowing anything about the two people, which person do you think YOU would identify as speaking wisdom from a solid background? Bear this in mind when you want news interviews, attend Zoom meetings, and tune into people’s lives. Bookshelf backdrops reveal all sorts of information!


Subscribe to Daily Mini-Lessons of Feng Shui Fun!

I use photos of places I visit or images I find online or in print to create teaching moments that share Feng Shui wisdom. I publish them every day of the year except Christmas. Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribers are now invited to email me their photos for free Feng Shui evaluations! Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.


Harmony Magic (Excerpt)

When your life is out of harmony with your dreams, you quickly find yourself sick, broke, hurt, abandoned, or disheartened. The magic of restoring yourself to harmony stirs when you realize that you are the one creating your life. You created this mess today, and you can certainly create a new situation tomorrow.

Don’t let your mind think about garbage

If you focus your thoughts and attention on any thoughts which are out of harmony with your happiness, you will feel unhappy. You will make others unhappy too. And, as a creator, you must be aligned with joy to create. Monitor your mind and be sure stray thoughts that shackle your ability to manifest your dreams get set free and replaced with thoughts about what you DO want. If your mouth opens and whines, complains, or tells a sad story—close it. You will get to where you know you’re going to spew ugly words before you do. Keep alert. Words are powerful magic.

Do not seek the roots of your unhappiness

Plant the seeds of your joy. Every word you speak about your misery and every doubt destroys your dreams. So stop it! Stop asking yourself, “Why am I so unhappy?” Instead, ask yourself: “What makes me happy?” Let your mind get completely playful and imaginative while looking for those things that make you feel good.”

Let your life have some ups and downs

You would be bored out of your mind if everything was smooth and steady all the time. You don’t want to always experience only one emotion. GAK! Let yourself be human, for Heaven’s sake! Allow yourself to feel what you feel without judging and condemning yourself for not being perfect and forever positive. Positive people get angry too. Positive people have bad days as well. Be OK with what is, and look for the bright sides.

Don’t believe everything you think

Just because a thought popped into your head does not mean it can move in and stay forever. Sometimes thoughts just float out of one head and into another, through walls, across several lanes of traffic, and even across the country. There is no time or space for thoughts. You, however, do not want to feed a yucky thought. You want to starve it to death by turning your attention to a yummy thought. Be prepared for the Invasion of the Yucky Thought by keeping a collection of Yummy Thoughts ready to replace them in a snap! Yummy Thoughts are perfect protectors from nightmares. Here are some sample Yummy Thoughts to give you the idea:

  1. How bread smells when it’s baking, especially when it’s cooking at your house!
  2. The sound of rain falling gently in the night is so soothing.
  3. A shower feels fabulous after a long day of working in the yard.
  4. The sight of your home is so welcoming after an extended vacation.
  5. The snapping crisp taste bit of a fresh cold apple.
  6. Safely wrapped up in your bed at home on a blustery winter night
  7. 7. The adventures you will have on the vacation of your dreams
  8. Remember that whatever it is that you are thinking is what is causing your unhappiness or pain. It is not the situation which upsets you. It is the thought you choose to think about that situation. When you become aware that you are the one choosing your thoughts, you can simply change your mind, like changing the TV channel to a Yummy Thought.

When you are thinking Yummy Thoughts that make you feel happy, only matching energies are attracted to you. But if you are smiling through tears, only Yucky Thoughts are attracted to you. And if you’re not BEing clearly what it is you want to BE, then you are BEing—by default—what you don’t want to be.

Be contrary when it suits you. When your thoughts lean towards fear, look instead for a reason to smile. When they lean towards lack, count your blessings.

You know that this too shall pass. The Sun will come up tomorrow. You can’t stop it. Just have faith in that and turn your attention towards your hopes and dreams. Don’t let yourself be pushed around by yucky thoughts.

Blame Betrays Your Own Belief In Yourself

Blaming is a game you play in your mind. You transfer control of your life (or pretend that you do) to people or external forces, thus defining yourself as a victim of circumstances. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for whatever it is that you are experiencing. As soon as you take control, you take control. There is considerable magic in claiming that you are the one creating your life.

You are never upset for the reason you think

Whenever you find yourself feeling upset—for whatever reason—know that you have identified a Pearl of Wisdom. Think about a pearl and why they form. The oyster takes a nasty little discomfort in life, soothes it over and over with nacre, loving it until it turns it into a precious and beautiful thing.

If your life isn’t the way you want it to be, then you have a magical opportunity to turn away from despair or anger and, instead, find ways to be more kind and loving. Look for what you’re doing in life that isn’t kind or loving. Look deeply for past wounds that still need healing, people or experiences that still need forgiving, or if you are still clinging to past events.

Once you find those points of pain, start sending loving kindness, non-judgmental acceptance, and appreciate to slowly build your Pearl of Wisdom.

Honor your pain

Pain has a purpose. If you are feeling pain, you are supposed to stop and check with your body, mind, or spirit to stop the pain. You’re not supposed to ignore it, run away, or fight it. If you don’t fix it, you will continue to hurt.

Stepping on broken glass isn’t ever going to feel good. It’s not supposed to feel good! If you feel pain, don’t pretend it doesn’t hurt. Love yourself enough to honor that you’re hurting and do something about it.

If what hurt you has already been removed—be it a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual threat—the healing cannot begin until you turn on the magically transformative powers of your heart. To get back into harmony after pain, you must hug yourself and acknowledge your feelings. DANG! That hurt! You survived it. You learned from it. The sting is fading, but you won’t forget the lesson. Love yourself a little extra until the pain fades entirely. The scar will always be your badge of courage.

You don’t learn anything when everything is “fine”

With every problem or challenging situation comes an opportunity to grow. When you learn or master something new, you are more than you were. You have expanded and evolved into a larger presence. You cannot un-learn or un-know. You will never be the same. Thank goodness!

To come back into harmony in the middle of a problem, choose to view the problem as a challenge. Take it as a dare. Stand your ground. State: “Watch me!” and dive into creating a solution. Feel your power! Here’s your chance to make magic happen.



For the rest of this lesson about Remembering Harmony Magic, order the workshop audio at bit.ly/PracticalMagicWorkshops.



Samhain marks the end of the growing season and Nature's transition into Winter. The word Samhain literally means “Summer’s End”. During this time the focus is on clearing out the old and embracing the new. It is a time to reflect on the passage of time and our journey through our days. It is a time to forgive and move on. And it is a time to visit with and honor loved ones, dead and alive.

As Samhain approaches, the veil between this world and the Otherworld are at their thinnest. All Hallows Eve (Hallowe'en) is when the spirits of those who have passed can be close to their loved ones once again. Druids built huge bonfires during Samhain festivities to share a feast and to activate the Earth's energy points.

Death is not to be feared. The process of life includes many stages and each is to be enjoyed. Old age is valued for its wisdom and dying is necessary in order to begin anew, just as the Sun sets and dawns on the morrow.

Using Samhain Traditions to Help Get Through Grief

Loss and death impacts us all, regardless of our ages. We all have to learn to grieve our losses, whether they are places, jobs, or loved ones. The Mexican traditions of honoring the Day of the Dead embraces their love for those who have passed, honoring their favorite memories of them, as well as cooking them their favorite treats.

Watch the Pixar/Disney movie, CoCo, and learn all about this tradition. Then, create your own alebrijes for those who have passed, charging them with your favorite qualities of your loved ones and then adding a little magic. These will be great to add to each year for you, for your family, and for the memories. No one need die that second death too soon!


NOTE: Join me to make magical alebrijes on Sunday, October 25th in the Practical Magic Workshop. See above!



Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429